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Friday, April 23, 2010

Humour for a good day!

Tring tring!!

Having just moved into his new office, a pompous Group Captain recently appointed COO (Chief Operations Officer), was sitting at his desk when an airman knocked on the door. Conscious of his new position, the officer quickly  picked up the phone, told the airman to enter and gestured that he was speaking to the AOC, then said into the phone, "Yes sir, I'll be seeing him this afternoon and I'll pass along your message.  Thank you for your good wishes, sir." Feeling as though he had sufficiently impressed the young enlisted man, he asked, "What do you want?"

"Nothing important, sir," the airman replied, "just here to hook up your telephone."

Doing his job!

A young sentry, on guard duty for the first time, had  orders not to admit any car unless it had a special identification seal.  The first unmarked car the sentry stopped contained a Air Vice Marshal.  When the officer told his driver to go right on through, the sentry politely said, "I'm new at this, sir.  Who do I shoot first -- you or the driver?"

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